Monday, September 3, 2007

What would we do without love?

You know those scenes in all of the romance movies....where a dashing young man comes running in to save the fair maiden who is in distress and helpless??? Yeah, well, I hate those scenes. I hate how in every movie, every girl looks perfect, every man acts like a gentleman and their lives always end up "just the way they should". I hate that they never have to suffer, they never feel loss, they never reflect upon the fact that people will let you down and they never, I say they never, show you how much love truly hurts. Because lets face it, at some point in our lives, loving someone is painful. Why don't movies and romance novels talk about the nights you stay up crying yourself to sleep in anger or hurt? Why don't they talk about the 20 pounds you gain when you start dating someone or first get married? Why don't they talk about the insecurities that both people bring to a relationship that can be damaging and bonding all at the same time? I am always told that Love is not supposed to isnt supposed to be work...and it should never ask you to give up the things that are best about you... but the truth is, loving someone is a sacrifice. You do hurt.....things are hard...they arent easy. Who are these people that are in relationships and loving each other that just float through life in happiness? They don't have mortgages? or PMS? They don't have tough times?

What about the passive aggressiveness....when we don't want to face the fact that we maybe failed in some way, we take it out on our partner...we shouldn't, we know that, but we do anyways. Were human.

But you look in the magazines, the books, TV....we sugarcoat love at every corner. We confuse love with lust or codependency and we lace it with cocktail hours, weekend getaways and various other things...and we try to convince ourselves that we truly know what love is.

Love is a sacrifice, it is putting someone else before our own needs, its telling them that you love them even when you had a bad day and you don't want to, it is eating the burned dinner, walking the little dog, laughing at jokes that you have heard a hundred times, it is that soap smell that lingers on the skin after a long day, it is a kiss on the forehead, it is a walk in the rain, it is getting someone a glass of water when they are sick, it is joy, it is laughter, it is ironic, it is happiness, it is ups and downs, it is a struggle and if love was so easy, the world would be full of it. Love isnt a bad shouldnt take you years to find someone to tell it shouldnt choke you and it shouldnt be something to fear. God made us to love one another...and life is too short to give up on love.

So if you find yourself alone.....or feeling that way...or unloved....don't give may not be what the movies portray it to might not be perfect and you may find it in the last person you ever thought could give it to you....but love is out there. We all deserve to be matter what.


Anonymous said...

Replace all of the "we" with "women" and you have a decent post there.--bigmike

JZ said...

So men don't deserved to be loved?

Anonymous said...

I was just saying that the whole post would be a lot more accurate if you replaced the word "we" with "women" and it would be a lot more accurate...try it you'll see. I said nothing about men not deserving love but the post was clearly written from a woman's perspective and all that "we" stuff doesn't fit. Men and women are different and to pretend otherwise is...well I can't continue that sentence as it will probably lead to a verbal assault on one of my family members.