Sunday, September 2, 2007

Some Kansas ramblings.....

It is 11:14 p.m. here in Olathe, KS. It is hot, humid and there is barely a breeze blowing. There is no one out on the street, no cars zooming past or honking...just the crickets chirping and some other bug, I have no idea what it is called, buzzing. It does that all day and all night. I have heard from some of the locals, that they find this incessant buzzing noise, annoying. But me, I find it very soothing. Like a low hum that will lull you sleep.

The air is different over here. Sticky....and sweet smelling. The sun looks enormous in the blue sky....that for miles and miles ....stretches out with not a building erected in the skyline to break the horizon.

It is hard to describe the smell over here......sort of reminds me of sweet caramel with maybe just a hint of honey. I wonder if this is what heaven would smell like?

Coming from Seattle to a place like this, makes you see just how much the city life takes away from the rest of the world. For those that live in a city....step outside......awaken all of your senses and tell me what you see, feel, taste.....I know when I step out in Seattle....I see dirty...trash....grafitti...I smell....urine...feces...garbage...sewer....and I taste....well, I dont know what I taste....but I am sure that all that pollution I breathe in daily deposits something on my tongue.

What kind of peace and quiet do you get in the city? Sirens run all night long, doesn't matter what part of the city you live in. If you live in apartment complexes, people come and go at all hours. Cars race up and down the street....with loud mufflers.

But sitting here in hear...peace. Now, don't get me wrong..the city has some nice qualities. Interesting musuems, parks, shops and restaurants. You can walk to most places and for the most part, people are decent.

But, can you see the stars and moon? Can you watch the sunrise in the morning without hearing a car honk or a person yell? Can you leave your home and walk to a store without being asked for money or if you want to buy drugs?

Kansas may not be heaven could be far from it. But just being here for a day....has made me appreciate the country living I grew up in.

If you get a chance...get out...away from the city. Appreciate that world God made for you....take in its' beauty....I don't think the Garden of Eden had any skyscrapers in it.....

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