Saturday, September 8, 2007

Ode to Blue State Bill

This blog is in response to a comment left on my Illegal Alien blog by someone named "Blue State Bill". In his comment, he refers to me as a "racist" and goes on to comment that America was built up on the back of slaves and not by American workers.

I wanted to respond in a blog to this person, instead of just commenting on my post.

First of all, let me say how proud I am to be an American. It is an honor to live in a country where I am able to speak my mind and have an opinion all my own.

When I speak of "Illegal Aliens", I am not referring to just one race. I am referring to all illegals that are in America. Russians, Chinese, Hispanics, Africans, Germans, doesn't matter what your skin color is, all that it matters is that you are here in illegally. It would be hard to argue that a majority of illegals in the country are not Hispanic, when in truth, they are. So, everyone just assumes that is who we are talking about. But I do not discriminate...illegal is illegal.

Second of all....I would like to point out that by negating the efforts made by American workers, Blue State Bill, you are not only unpatriotic, but an exact reflection of the type of person that destroys the very foundation that America was built upon.

Slavery was an unfortunate event in our history. But that era has passed and I am tired of Americans carrying around the burden of the past. We no longer have slaves and all men/women are created equal in the U.S. Enough with the slavery talk.

I do not believe that slavery is what built America, at least not entirely. Americans....of all different races....worked hard to build this country. This country is not a land bought or built by slavery.

Please, free your self of your "white guilt". Allow yourself to freely think for once. Don't follow the popular trend of "diversity" and "acceptance". America has rules and laws for a reason. If immigrants cannot follow those rules, then they do not belong here.

So, Blue State may call me a racist....but you would be wrong. I am not a racist...I am a proud American who loves her country and has no intention of standing by and allowing narrowminded thinkers like yourself, to continue to destroy America. The last standing land of the free and home of the brave.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.