Saturday, September 29, 2007

Can guys and "just friends"?

Tall, rugged, handsome...smells good...makes you laugh...opens the door for uplifting when you need a shoulder to cry on..tells you when you look nice....makes you feel complete in a smallest of ways...

This guy is not the love of your life and isn't even your boyfriend, he is your guy pal. The one you bum around with on a Friday night when neither of you have dates, the one you call to go see an action movie when none of your girlfriends want to go and the one you talk to about all of your guy troubles to try and get a man's perspective.

When it all boils down to the definition of your relationship--you are just friends.

But does this really work?

I used to think it doesn't. But now I don't know.

It is definitely hard to be friends with a guy who is gorgeous and is seemingly perfect, and who treats you like you would want a boyfriend to treat you.

So the next question is--would it be better to be "just friends" with a guy that you might be romantically inclined to, but he doesn't share the same feelings or is it better to walk away from him (or her) so that your heart doesn't ache or break?

This has always been a conundrum for me since most of my friends are guys. In almost every incidence, one of us has developed feelings that were more than friendship, in some cases we even dated, which then is death to the friendship if the relationship doesn't work.

I just don't believe that a man and woman can be friends without having some sort of feelings develop--whether that is sexual or romantic. I can honestly say that I have walked away from some friendships because I developed feelings for a guy that didn't share those same feelings. You win some, you lose some, I guess.

I have a few special guy friends, that I truly value their friendship and would hate to lose it.

So, as I move forward, out into this big world, I will continually test this theory. Can opposite sexes be "just friends"? We shall see.

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