Friday, August 31, 2007

When did "Illegal" become "acceptable"?

The dish washer, the janitor, the fry cook, the house keeper--what do these all have in common?

Illegal Aliens.

On my way to work, I walk past the Mexican Consulate, which is always full of various Hispanics. I can honestly say, that I am not sure as to how many of them are here in our country illegally, but I would bet that many of them standing in that room are not here on work visas and do not have American citizenship.

When did we become a society of people that accepts the fact that our country is no longer worth protecting or valuing? Are we really ready to live a life of sheer mediocrity? Every illegal alien that we employ or allow into our country, takes us further and further down the path of mediocrity.

Instead of requiring people to learn our language-we are now specializing in foreign languages so that we can be accommodating to foreigners. We have facilities that they can run to for assistance with free health care and food stamps, and while we have skilled workers that are unemployed, sitting by the phone at home waiting for a call for work, we are employing illegal aliens to do these jobs because it is cheaper.

I find it confusing, that a country that was built up on the back of AMERICAN laborers--that was designed and created by men and women who valued the country they lived in, would now allow our country to be turned over to individuals who cannot even respect our borders, let alone our rules.

They do not feel that it is important to learn our lanuage, they do not believe that they should go through the process of becoming a US Citizen and they certainly do not believe that they should work an honest wage to earn their place in America.

Being an American Citizen is a privilege! Not a right. This country was not created to house ALL of the world's broken, poor, sick and underprivileged. While we can be a refuge for some--we cannot be a resting point for the entire world.

As an American, aren't you offended at the actions of those that are here illegally? Doesn't it upset you that they do not value our rules and American ways?

I for one, am tired of the liberties that are being taken advantage of by illegals and am ready to see some change! If you know of illegals that are working here...ILLEGALLY.....turn them would report a robbery or theft wouldn't you? If someone assaulted you, wouldn't you report that?

Well this is no different...America is being robbed and assaulted everyday by illegals. Are you going to stand by and let them do it?


Anonymous said...

That's my girl! I was really suprised to see you write about this subject that is so dear to my soul. Great job - keep it up! Hopefully you will cause at least ONE American to awake from there "Reality TV" daze, get angry and DO SOMETHING to help stop this illegal alien invasion!!! - Ron

JZ said...

Yeah, I should have started out by dedicating that rant to you!

Anonymous said...

You're nothing but a racist...and for the record this country was built on the backs of African Slaves and not American Workers-Blue State Bill

JZ said...

Well, the nice thing about it is I have the right to think whatever I want. I don't believe this state was built strictly by slavery....but if you want to keep that narrow minded way of thinking, then go right ahead.