Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Emerald City or Tarnished Jewel?

It's 6:00 a.m....dusk. The moon is trying its best to compete with the sun which is creeping its way over the foggy horizon. It's chilly this morning...more so than usual...and I am kicking myself for not grabbing my coat. I am not usually up this early, but my work schedule called for an early morning, so here I am. Starbucks in one hand, purse in the other....I-pod blaring some music that most Seattlites would find distasteful, sunglasses on so that I am not required to make eye contact with anyone. Icognito.....just the way I like it.

It's odd this quiet. Which is unusual for Seattle and for a brief fleeting moment, I feel as if I am somewhere peaceful.....somewhere else. It is still to early for the homeless to be out...or awake....there are very few people on the sidewalk heading to work...and almost no cars..except for a few buses that speed by me.

I walk a few blocks towards my office...reveling in the peace and quiet, which is rare these days, when I am jolted from my daydream by a runner, who nearly knocks me off my feet trying to pass between me and a sign. No excuse me, no I'm sorry....just fleeting if I didn't belong on that sidewalk to begin with. A few steps later, we are standing side by side, waiting for the hand to change to a man, when I notice, this runner.......who I am sure is sweating her tofu and soy calories right out of her body.....has some poorly done and oddly placed piercings all over her face. The irony of this strikes me so funny, that as I am staring at her, I start to laugh, to which she hears and turns and glares at me. Which just gave me all the more reason to laugh and shake my head.

The irony is this: From behind, you see an attractive woman....long red hair....semi lean body...not too tall, not too short....just right. As you approach her, you think...hmmm....I bet she has a pretty face...or...I bet she has no problem getting a man ....etc...and as you are thinking these thoughts....never once does it cross your mind, that this lovely person, could be anything other than that. Then they turn...and you get the full opportunity to take in all that they are....and are shocked to see...that this lovely person, is not so lovely afterall. Tattoo on her neck, piercings in her eyebrows, nose, ears, lips and chin.....heavy goth make-up and dark circles under her eyes, decorate what could have been a lovely this thought crosses my mind..."Why are you up at 6 am, keep your body in shape....when you have already counteracted all that work by destroying your face? What difference does it make what your body looks like now?"

Now some of you may think I am being judgmental....but can't you see the irony? She is working so hard to preserve the beauty of her body, but yet....negates that by making herself into a walking pin cushion.

This all leads to the fact...that this single person....reflects all that is Seattle. From behind (the outside) the city is inviting, intoxicating and lovely...full of opportunity and seduction.

However....once you get a good look at the "face" of Seattle...your shocked at just how unattractive it really is. This city works so hard to beautify its "body"--by environmental rules, recycling mandates, diversity marches, art parks, pigs at the market, never takes the time to clean up the "face" of this city. Homeless people scatter the sidewalks.....litter is everywhere....gangs run wild through the cities surrounding the market and the shopping centers, human waste and the scent of urine have become Seattle's perfume, and psych wards and needle clinics have been installed next to children's stores and your local Starbucks.

If that young woman respected her face as much as she respected her body, she would have stopped traffic with her beauty. Instead, she shocks people and pushes them away...much is the same about Seattle.

Is Seattle truly the Emerald I blinded by my cynicism.....or has it become a tarnished jewel?


RyanSmith said...

Wow, I didn't even know you liked to write. This should be the disclaimer for the city. Well done.

JZ said...

Thanks Ryan my man! Carrie Bradshaw has nothing on me!

Cameron Bailey said...


I'm thrilled to see this new endeavor and look forward to reading lots more in the future!

JZ said...

Oh, well, I will definitely be blogging more in the look out!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading the word fleeting that many times in one sitting. Please keep posting country mouse.

-The Surbuban Elephant

JZ said...

"Fleeting" is my word for the month....along with "amazing"...what can I say..when I find something I like, I stick to it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Darlin'! Wow, very well put! I especially like the analogy about the "body and face" in regards to the runner and Seattle -it's so accurate. Here you go again, revealing another talent that you have. You are a great writer!!! - Ron

JZ said...

Thanks! Means a lot coming from you!